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Learn how to upgrade your deployKF version and update values.


Upgrading deployKF is usually a straightforward process. By "upgrading", we mean updating the version of deployKF and/or the values used to configure it.

Upgrading Versions

Typically, you can upgrade deployKF in-place by updating your source_version and then re-syncing your ArgoCD Applications as normal. However, this may result in downtime, so you should plan accordingly.

Read the Changelog!

Before upgrading, review the changelog for any upgrade notes.

Private Container Registries

If you use a private container registry rather than the default image locations, check which images are used by the new version and ensure they are mirrored as well. Be careful to use the correct image tags when upgrading, otherwise you might break your deployment.

Updating Values

Typically, you can update your deployKF values by simply changing them and re-syncing your ArgoCD Applications. Depending on the changes, you may need to sync with pruning enabled to remove old resources.


In general, if ArgoCD says pruning is required, you should sync with pruning enabled. Otherwise, deployKF may not function correctly.

Due to an issue with ArgoCD (argoproj/argo-cd#14338), resources that we annotate as IgnoreExtraneous and Prune=false will show as "requires pruning" in the UI. These resources will NOT actually be pruned during a sync, but they are hard to distinguish from those that will.

deployKF will always have a number of these "extraneous" resources. This is because we replicate secrets to other namespaces which are themselves managed by ArgoCD applications. ArgoCD tracks the resources it "owns" with the label (which will be unchanged in the replicated secret). This is actually a good thing, as it means if you delete the source application, the replicated secret will also be deleted.

Last update: 2024-04-27
Created: 2023-03-17