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Install deployKF CLI

Learn how to install the deployKF CLI (command line interface).

About the CLI

The deployKF CLI is used to generate GitOps-ready Kubernetes manifests from one or more values files. This example generates manifests under the ./GENERATOR_OUTPUT directory from the 0.1.5 source version with the values specified in the ./custom-values.yaml file.

deploykf generate \
  --source-version "0.1.5" \
  --values ./custom-values.yaml \
  --output-dir ./GENERATOR_OUTPUT

Source Version

The --source-version is a tagged release of the deployKF generator, without the "v" prefix.

The version of the CLI does NOT need to match the --source-version. If a breaking change is ever needed, the CLI will fail to generate with newer source versions, and will print message telling you to upgrade the CLI.

deployKF ArgoCD Plugin

If you are using the deployKF ArgoCD Plugin, it is NOT necessary to install the deployKF CLI, this is because the manifests generation will happen inside the ArgoCD plugin, rather than on your local machine.

Install the CLI

You can install the CLI on your local machine by following the instructions below that are appropriate for your operating system.

Latest Version

You can find the latest version of the CLI on the GitHub releases page, which is currently v0.1.2.

macOS Security

macOS has security features that will prevent you running the CLI if you downloaded it via a web browser. However, if you download it from the command line (for example, using curl or wget) it should be allowed to run.

Either way, if you encounter a "this app is from an unidentified developer" error you can go to System Preferences > Privacy & Security and click Open Anyway to allow the CLI to run.

The following commands will download the CLI for macOS and place it in /usr/local/bin:

DKF_CLI_ARCH=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/')

# download the binary
sudo curl -fL "${DKF_CLI_VERSION}/deploykf-darwin-${DKF_CLI_ARCH}" -o "${DFK_CLI_DEST}"

# make the binary executable
sudo chmod +x "${DFK_CLI_DEST}"

# test the binary
deploykf version

Alternatively, you can manually download the latest deploykf-darwin-{ARCH} binary from the v0.1.2 GitHub Release and place it in a directory on your PATH environment variable.

Apple Silicon

If you have a Mac with an Apple Silicon processor (M1, M2, etc), you will need to download the deploykf-darwin-arm64 binary. If you have a Mac with an Intel processor, you will need to download the deploykf-darwin-amd64 binary.

The following commands will download the CLI for Linux and place it in /usr/local/bin:

DKF_CLI_ARCH=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/aarch64/arm64/')

# download the binary
sudo curl -fL "${DKF_CLI_VERSION}/deploykf-linux-${DKF_CLI_ARCH}" -o "${DFK_CLI_DEST}"

# make the binary executable
sudo chmod +x "${DFK_CLI_DEST}"

# test the binary
deploykf version

Alternatively, you can manually download the latest deploykf-linux-{ARCH} binary from the v0.1.2 GitHub Release and place it in a directory on your PATH environment variable.

Processor Architecture

If you are using a Linux machine with an ARM64 processor, you will need to download the deploykf-linux-arm64 binary. If you are using a Linux machine with an X86/AMD64 processor, you will need to download the deploykf-linux-amd64 binary.

Elevated PowerShell Prompt

You will need to run the following commands in an elevated PowerShell prompt (right-click and select Run as administrator).

Windows Security

Windows has security features that may prevent you from running the CLI. If you encounter a "Windows protected your PC" error you can click More info and then Run anyway to allow the CLI to run.

The following PowerShell commands will download the CLI for Windows and place it in C:\Windows\System32:


# download the binary
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${DKF_CLI_VERSION}/deploykf-windows-amd64.exe" -OutFile "${DFK_CLI_DEST}"

# test the binary
deploykf version

Alternatively, you can manually download the latest deploykf-windows-amd64.exe binary from the v0.1.2 GitHub Release and place it in a directory on your PATH environment variable.

Last update: 2024-03-14
Created: 2023-04-24